Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced mushroom cultivator, making mistakes is unavoidable. However, avoiding these common errors can significantly increase your chances of success.
Proper sterilization and sanitation are crucial when growing mushrooms. This includes using a sanitizing solution to disinfect all surfaces, tools and containers that will come into contact with your crop.
1. Not Keeping The Substrate Moisture Levels Right
Mushrooms need a consistent level of moisture to thrive. Too little can result in sluggish growth and dehydrated mushrooms, while too much can encourage the spread of unwanted organisms, including green or black mold. The ideal level of moisture is between 60-70 percent, and this can be achieved by a misting spray bottle, pond mister, or humidity system. The water used must also be of the appropriate quality, as contaminated water can introduce harmful bacteria or fungal pathogens to the substrate.
As mushrooms grow, they produce a natural layer of compost that provides nutrient rich material for the mycelium to consume. This process can take weeks or even months before the colony reaches full maturity and is ready to fruit. During this time, the mushroom mycelium is competing against other microorganisms, including bacteria, fungus, and pathogens, and if not properly managed, can quickly decompose the substrate.
To combat this, most growers use a layer of calcium chloride (available from any hardware store) in the monotub to absorb excess moisture. A hygrometer is also essential to monitor moisture levels in real-time, making it easy to adjust the growing environment as needed. Depending on the species, other common adjustments include improving air exchange and introducing light cycles.
2. Not Keeping The Temperature Right
Mushroom growing can be a delicate process that requires a lot of attention. There are a number of potential issues that can cause problems, such as contamination. Although it’s impossible to achieve a completely sterile environment, there are some steps that can be taken to reduce the chances of contamination. These include sterilizing equipment and materials, using clean hands, and practicing good hygiene throughout the process.
Another important consideration is the temperature of the grow space. Different mushroom varieties require different temperatures for incubation, pinning and fruiting. Providing the wrong conditions can slow down the growth of mycelium and increase the time it takes for mushrooms to appear.
Humidity levels are also vital, and too little moisture can dry out the mushrooms. This can be overcome by misting twice a day or using a humidity tent, which can help maintain a consistent level of humidity. Finally, it’s important to keep an eye on the temperature, as it can change throughout the day. Ideally, the grow space should be kept at around 75°F (24°C). If possible, this can be achieved in a closet or other dark, cool place. If you’re unsure how to achieve this, it’s a good idea to ask for advice from a local mushroom grower.
Mushroom cultivation requires careful attention to detail, and rushing the process can result in poor yields or even contamination. It is important to take your time and follow all the necessary steps, including ensuring that the substrate has fully colonized before initiating the fruiting stage.
It is also important to keep in mind that different mushroom varieties require different conditions. For example, some may grow best in dark and cool conditions while others will do better in light and warm environments.
Aside from proper temperature control, it is essential to maintain the right humidity levels. Too much humidity can cause the substrate to become waterlogged, while too little can cause the mushrooms to dry out.
Ideally, the growing environment should be able to maintain a relatively stable level of humidity around 85-95%. To achieve this, it is recommended to use a hygrometer and adjust the humidity levels accordingly. Additionally, utilizing fans or a ventilation system to improve air circulation can help to prevent stagnant air, which is a common cause of contamination in mushroom cultivation.

3. Not Keeping The Humidity Levels Right
Mushrooms require a consistent level of moisture, or humidity, to grow well. Having the right humidity levels helps prevent contamination, promotes mycelial growth, and ensures that mushrooms reach full maturity without over-producing or causing diseases. To achieve these goals, you must practice proper sterilization techniques, maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels, and implement effective contamination controls.
Mushroom cultivation is a delicate process, and it takes time to get it right. If you’re not careful, you can end up with a low-quality harvest or even destroy the entire crop. To avoid these issues, you must practice proper sterilization techniques, use clean equipment and tools, maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels, prepare substrates correctly, provide adequate light exposure, water appropriately, manage pests and diseases diligently, and harvest at the right time.
The humidity of your growing area should be between 80% and 90%. You can increase the humidity by spraying the area with water or using a machine that adds moisture to the air. Make sure you check the level of humidity frequently and change the moisture if necessary. A sign of low humidity is shriveled fruits or cracked caps. Other signs include a foul odor, a wilting substrate, and a general lack of growth.
Mushrooms require a high level of humidity to grow properly. If this is not maintained, mushrooms will dry out or become stunted. Insufficient humidity will also lead to mold growth. To keep humidity levels right, it is important to use a hygrometer or other measurement device. This will allow you to monitor moisture levels and adjust your setup accordingly.
Some mushroom species have different moisture requirements, so it is essential to research and follow recommendations for your chosen substrate. It is also important to maintain proper temperature levels. Finally, it is important to sterilize the substrate and equipment before inoculation. It is also important to remove any contaminated substrate, spawn or fruiting bodies before contamination spreads throughout the growing area.
Keeping these guidelines in mind can help you achieve a successful mushroom harvest. However, even if you do everything right, there is always a chance that your mushrooms may not grow or that they will abort before maturity. This can be frustrating, but it is important to stay patient and keep trying. Ultimately, growing mushrooms is a fun and rewarding hobby, and even the mistakes can be educational. Just make sure to learn from your mistakes and continue trying until you find the right method for your own unique needs!
4. Not Keeping The Light Right
Mushrooms require the right amount of light to grow. Too little and you’ll end up with long, thin stems; too much and you could burn the mushrooms or cause them to dry out. You can avoid this mistake by using a fluorescent bulb with a specific spectrum that matches the needs of the mushroom variety you’re cultivating.
Incorrect substrate material is another common mistake that can lead to slow mycelial growth. This can be caused by insufficient air exchange, a substrate that’s too dry, or a substrate that is not fully sterilized before inoculation. Mushroom species also have varying incubation, pinning, and fruiting conditions that must be carefully followed to ensure healthy, abundant yields.
It’s important to remember that growing mushrooms is a process and it takes time to get things right. Don’t try to rush through the different steps, and you could end up with a poor yield or even contamination problems that will have you starting over from scratch. Instead, start small and work your way up to bigger projects, and always make sure to use specialized equipment for proper sterilization and environment control. This will help you avoid the most common mistakes and increase your success rate!